Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

We have some lovely neighbors across the cul-de-sac from us who gave us a lovely potted evergreen this year. I love having greenery in my house, so I perched the little guy on the kitchen counter and figured he'd stay there until neglect inevitably led him to decompose in our garden area.
However, upon reading the little tag that came stuck down in the soil, we discovered that he could be easily transplanted into our yard for more permanent enjoyment! Usually, I would be quite worried as transplanting anything and keeping it healthy sounds like quite a bit of an undertaking for someone who, quite often, forgets to feed their cat.
We really do love you, Scout.
But anyway, an evergreen sounded less challenging than most foliage and most cats so we gave it a go! JC kind of took this tree on as his project and invited the kids to join him in getting the little guy all settled in the spot we picked out...The plan is to let him grow for several years, then use him as our very own, homegrown Christmas tree! If that goes as planned, perhaps grow another one for use several years after that. Very little ever goes as planned when it comes to living creatures, so we shall see! But, we are very excited about this general effort!

The spot.

The little guy.

Of course, everyone got a turn watering to get him all settled into his new home.
(I don't know why, but when I come upon plants for the first time, they are always automatically one gender or another. This tree is totally a boy.)

Even Daddy. :)

Here JC is, admiring our budding Christmas tree.
He is really excited about this.

So, that's all for now, little guy! Do us proud and grow big and strong! See you in a few years!

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