Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Am . . . Bethany

I am . . . daddy's baby girl

I think . . . that if I am on the opposite side of the room of the current catastrophe, I clearly had nothing to do with it.

I know . . . how to play the cute card.

I want . . . to learn, learn, learn and UNDERSTAND everything!

I have . . . a very kind, caring heart.

I wish . . . candy canes grew on the tree in my backyard...and that Mom would let me eat them.

I hate . . . um, I don't know this word yet but I strongly dislike that my opinion doesn't have as much merit as the adults' in many situations.

I miss . . . playing outside downstairs. (This is what the kids call our backyard. Our playroom, where we spend most of our time, is upstairs in our house. They can go on the balcony from there, which they often do, and look down on the backyard. We have not had a lot of "outside downstairs" time this fall because of illness and the seeding of the lawn.)

I fear . . . washing my hair and (ahem) going poo on the potty.

I feel . . . lots of emotions lots of the time. I am definitely a girl!

I love . . . to help mom with things like picking the boys' clothes, getting diapers for her, loading the dishwasher, stirring when she cooks, pushing buttons to start the wash machine and dryer, and also I love playing with and hugging my daddy.

I hear . . . a lot of "stop that" "No!" "That's enough" and "What happened??" because I am an independent and curious 3 yr. old.

I smell . . . flowers. And try to get everyone around me to smell them too. I also smell the not-so-pleasant smells that can happen in our house and announce to mom "Somebody's poopies!!"

I search . . . for loop-holes in the system around my house.  I am very very meticulous in my thinking of ways to get around things like taking naps, eating my dinner and having to (ahem) use the potty to do certain things.  I come up with extremely drawn-out and creative scenarios which I present to mom to get me out of doing these things.  (Though I am learning that just because she laughs really hard and is quite amused with my creativity, it doesn't necessarily mean I win...)

I wonder . . . if I will like going to Primary this next year! I did enjoy when I visited before but felt it was "too noisy when they sang." 

I regret . . . nothing. That's the beauty of being three.

I care . . . about my family members' happiness.  I always try to cheer up anyone who is feeling sad. I usually give a big hug or share a toy. 

I always . . . wake up early, check to make sure it's at least a little bit light outside, then go to Mommy's bedside and wake her for a new day.

I am not . . . laid back.

I believe . . . that the Holy Ghost helps me not be afraid of bad dreams and Jesus watches everything I do. Also, that my daddy is the strongest person in the whole world and can fix anything.

I dance . . . almost any time I hear music at our house and try to persuade James and/or Ben to dance with me.

I sing . . . always. Songs I know, songs I heard just once before, songs I made up...

I don't always . . . realize when I'm doing something wrong. And when I do, I try to fix it.

I write . . . my name. Almost all by myself!!!

I win . . . when I play Bingo because I am super good at recognizing when I have the right squares (and James just throws his pieces and Ben tries to eat his)

I lose . . . when I argue with Mom and Dad. Seems to just be a fact of life.

I never . . . eat mashed potatoes.

I listen . . . to the Wicked Soundtrack with Mom when we drive in the car by ourselves (doesn't happen very often.) I choose the "boy and girl song" (As Long As You're Mine) over and over and over again!

I can usually be found . . . in our playroom, doing a puzzle, building a tower with blocks or taking care of a baby doll.

I read . . . the word "Mom." And "Dad." And "Thundercats." Well...maybe I just recognize that word from daddy's shirt...but I recognize it every time I see it! I also read books to my brothers and all three of us love that.

I am happy about . . . going to preschool!! And having a family who loves me very much!


Peterson Family said...

Loved all the new posts... man you HAVE been busy!! More sick kids, traveling, the Zoo, etc., etc...

I am with you, I just LOVE Utah. It's the place of my birth and only my home for the 1st 5 years of my life, but I love visiting and there is such a special feeling you get as you fly or drive into Utah Valley and see the GORGEOUS Mountains. Your pic's/adventure make we want to go there NOW! What a blast.

Your kids are darling and your commentary keep my giggling! :) Let's hangout soon, once the Holidays are celebrated ('over' sounded too harsh). :)

Hawkes said...

Check your Andrew and matt's new blog!!!

ha ha ha