Last weekend, JC spent an evening running car-related errands and bedtime wasn't going over so well. So, I pulled a new trick...
Portable DVD player in the bedroom.
It was like Christmas.
Once the initial shock and excitement wore off and the kids were settled into James' bed, they enjoyed a comfy viewing of their animated feature.
They loved it! And I thought it was so cute, them all snuggled next to each other at the end of the day, tired enough to stay put but awake enough to still giggle together at the funny parts.
Another day, after a long busy morning and not very successful rest time, I allowed the kids to revel in a bit of tv time while I made dinner.
James and Bethany were nearly snuggling.
I couldn't believe they were remaining in such close vicinity to each other without it becoming...
Ah well.
(a phrase that both applies to my attitude concerning the rivalry that develops between my children and the amount of tv viewing they are doing since it became 100+ outside)
Ah well.
Haha I can’t believe Ben sleeps in that position! It’s picturesque. I want to know what is happening in the movie when Bethany and James are closest, both with excited/nervous expressions on their faces. haha
Word: Preart. Either what you do before making actual art, or the way your heart feels when you fall in love with preschool. Preart.
whoa. i may have to steal that dvd player idea one day when things are extremely rough. i do recall setting up a tent with one once... not a bad idea. if only lydia would WATCH tv or movies... :/
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