In addition to being more social this summer, we are also just plain getting out more. I love doing things as a family. The idea of doing breakfast out together, grocery shopping together, house cleaning together, doing yard work together, gardening together, preparing meals together, playing sports together, traveling together, etc. all gets very exciting for me.
As our median age levels out a bit, these things are slowly starting to happen and be planned for.
Things we're still just planning for? Yard work-ing, gardening, traveling.
Things we're actually doing? Introducing some sports on a toddler level (we like to practice kicking a ball into a "goal" and having one of us be a "goalie"), preparing meals, visiting restaurants and going on small shopping trips.
Take a gander:
We ate out for breakfast a few weeks ago...just spontaneously decided to get dressed and head out!
Here, Ben is enjoying some juice. It's rare he gets to enjoy juice that's not laced with protein powder, garlic, echinacea, etc.! Not that he really cares. To him, juice is juice!

Here, he is "enjoying" (though he actually does appear to be enjoying) a time-out. He is still learning proper restaurant behavior and pushed it over the line a couple times. So...sitting outside on a bench time-out.

Oh, french toast sticks.

Finger-lickin good.

We don't require a triple stroller for every shopping trip anymore. In FACT, a couple of our favorite stores allow for the kids to actually walk around with their own carts, giving them something to do other than run around aimlessly!
Here, they browse at Sportsmans.

...and try on the merchandise.

But, our all-time favorite (which is luckily right by our house) is Trader Joe's.
Thank the heavens for Trader Joe's. I can actually buy snacks there that are convenient, cheap, and will not slowly kill my children.
Check them out. They know what they're shopping for.

Getting the goods.

Hopefully, this kind of activity is the beginning of lots of future quality time together doing the kinds of things that allow us to spend time together as a family doing normal everyday things like shop, eat, play, learn, etc. I know it's just a silly trip to the grocery store but I love moments where I feel that not only are we enjoying each other's company but also utilize teaching moments, learning about what it takes to contribute to a family and a household and share in responsibilities.
Like picking out the perfect strawberries. That's my kind of responsibility.
I LOVE IT!!! It's great that you can involve your children in SO much. That was so cute to see your children shopping for the right kinds of food. Emily and I both look forward doing the same with our someday children so it's great to know that yes it can be done :)
Oh, and sorry about that whole engagement thing. Hey, guess what? I've got some exciting news... Emily and I are ENGAGED!!! The details are on our blogs ( and Let me know if you're on facebook and I'll plug you into our wedding group with all the fun details and such. ;)
That is so sweet, I am with jeff on that one, I think it is so important to raise independent children and love that you get your children to help you with things like shopping. My Mom always took me and I loved it!
yeah...we don't go out to restaurants very often, but abbie LOVES it. looks fun! um...every store should have kids carts!! i actually have never been to one that does! and now i can see the purpose of that shopping list you were talking about. i wish i had a trader joe's...
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