Friday, June 26, 2009

How's that for appreciation?

Just now, while Ben is napping, Bethany is playing on her learn-to-read website and I am slaving away at my all-too-detailed Family Emergency Plan, James crawled up behind me in JC's oversized office chair.

"What you doing Mama?"

"I'm working on outlining disaster preparedness in the case of a severe thunderstorm."

"Yay!!!! Thank you Mama!" (while rubbing my cheek affectionately)

He had no idea what I was doing and even after I explained, it probably made no sense to him...but he automatically assumed that, because I was spending time on it, it must be important and in his best interest.

That boy will make a fine husband someday.


Ali said...

OKay, I am totally laughing right now. I can see James saying that...what a cutie!

Hawkes said...

That is so sweet!!

Carrie said...

LOL!! that is so stinking cute! and i laughed even harder because that sounds JUST like branson! he says things like "Good job, Mommy!!!" when i celebrate a test score or something and he has no idea. so fun.