Thursday, June 26, 2008

Strawberry Face Babies!

This is one of my favorite things - - to take similar pictures of the kids at similar ages and have them to compare and enjoy! And laugh at how BIG James was as a baby.
We've had the same highchair with all the kids (I say that like it's not a given, considering we only bought it less than three years ago!) and all our kids LOVE getting sticky and messy eating strawberries with their nifty little mesh contraptions. We ended up with these three pictures of the kids...they're all about nine months old in the pictures.

First, we have Bethany...notice how she is messy but it is a very contained and controlled messy. Also, notice that her little head doesn't even come up to the headrest part of the chair back...the part with the little hole in it! Also, notice that she is an ADORABLE baby.

And then we have Baby JAMES. A little more reckless abandon in his (HUGE) face, no? :) I can never get over how cute and chunky he was as a baby! Did you know that he weighs the same right now (at two and a half years old) that he did in this picture, at nine months old??? Haha, he finally started getting taller faster than he got wider! Ohhh, I love chubby babies!

And sweet Ben! He just has his little angelic face on, doesn't he? Size-wise, he's right in between Bethany and James. Eyebrow-wise, he takes the cake. Or the strawberries. I do believe he is our messiest baby!

They are all just so special...


Adam and Emily said...

I love picture of kids/parents, all taken at the same age... isn't it fun. Anyway... You've got mail, can't be your favorite movie. Because it is my favorite movie. And I also would have to say that it is probably my favorite song of all time too! Ok... ok.... I suppose we can share the same movie. And I know I have been tagged. But I am waiting till my weekend so that I may think about what is so special about me. Oh and I'll probably come over one of my days off and get Chesters toys.

Karen said...

I love seeing your kids, Mandy! I remember how small Bethany was at the Beach reunion at Ross's house in Taylor (all those years ago!) I thought you were such a trooper to sleep out in a tent with a new baby. Anyway - I love seeing your kids on the blog. They are all so beautiful.

ps this is Karen - I belong to Logan!