Sunday, June 22, 2008

The computer is fixed!!! So, on to the important stuff...

JC is a genius...we are back in business, as of this weekend, due to his dedicated laboring on the computer. So, I have gained back my Sunday evening blog-fests aka "Mandy's Me Time" and as I have the headache portion of my cold from this week still lingering on, I shall probably not attempt to catch up on much of anything tonight! Though I do feel a certain obligation to log every small detail of our family's everyday life on here since finding out you can turn these silly little blogs into silly little scrapbooks! With a three year old, a two year old and a not-quite-one year old, I have not ventured into the scrapbooking and doubted I would ever do so (I know, what kind of mom am I???) and this whole virtual gone hardbound thing sounds like the deal of a lifetime. Anyway, I just feel the need to document as much of our crazy life as we can so that the kids will have something to look at when they're older, in the way of a family journal or scrapbook, if you will. That being said, I will now proceed to do a post that has nothing at all to do with any of that...
I've been tagged by my long lost friend, Alissa, we are...

The "Random Thing" Tag Rules...
1. You link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog
3. Share six random things about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry
5. Let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs
6. Enjoy the results (though I don't like being expected to enjoy anything in particular...seems a rather personal thing to be instructed to know, that kind of expectation really irks's not the time...)

All right, six random things about myself:

1. I love to laugh but rarely laugh out loud when I'm alone unless involved in the following activities: reading Jennifer Lancaster, or apparently the Harry Potter series (didn't know that until recently...surprised myself...), watching The Office or Ugly Betty, OR when laying in bed trying to fall asleep but unable to stop replaying images of my neighbor falling off his bike in our driveway. Or when I'm blogging and talking about said neighbor. Other than that, if I am alone I do not laugh out loud. I have very high laugh-out-loud-when-alone standards. (If you can use the words "standards" and "Ugly Betty" in the same paragraph...)

2. My feet grew a size with every pregnancy. Not pretty when you have Tyra Banks feet without the Tyra Banks body...Anne Shirley's lifelong sorrow was her red hair. Mine shall be my man-feet.

3. I admittedly love Dashboard Confessional, The Four Seasons, Jimmy Eat World, The Format, Shakira, The Beatles and Rascall Flats. I secretly love John Denver and The Pussycat Dolls. (The way I just phrased that made it sound like the two were somehow combined into one abominable act. By the way, I laugh out loud when I think about that too.)

4. I dream of someday scaling rocky cliffs with my bare hands and feet and doing meditative yoga for hours atop the mountains. And/or being in a rock band.

5. I cannot remember the last time in my life that I gave less than my personal best. I may not be at peace with much about doesn't seem to be in my nature to be very content most of the time...but I feel secure in the fact that I give my all in everything I do.

6. My newest venture in dancing (my first in quite some time) - - bellydancing! I think I finally found my niche in the dancing community. :) I am LOVING it and JC is even taking drum lessons from my instructor's husband and getting very good! Someday we shall take the world by storm!

And now I tag...
Katie Wills
K to the T

Love to all!
I'll be back, with a vengeance, to catch up on things soon!


Lindsey and Brett said...

I love so much that you have a secret love for the Pussycat Dolls. That's hilarious! I feel that as girls (this is obviously Lindsey) we are allowed to have some interest in music that we just like to dance to. There is nothing wrong with that!

Katie and Howard said...

I know...I detest/half love them too. I love reading them, but thinking of what to write was another thing!!
We really should get together sometime. We could catch up meet eachother's families, etc! :)
Oh, and yes, a purse-a-holic friend is always a plus!