Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jumping Beans

Now, I realize that perhaps this is and maybe should be against the rules in many households but...gotta kids love throwing pillows in front of the couch, getting them set up just right, and . . . bounce . . . bounce . . . bounce . . . JUMPING off the couch onto the cushions! Oh, and it's just so fun to watch them and there is such a limitation to the things that toddlers are actually allowed to do that they want to do, I figure I'll keep the dangerous things off limits and concede to a little couch jumping!

Ready? Set? . . .
Go! Haha, she is totally a graceful as she effortlessly leaps onto the soft pillows below...
And James is all boy with his cannonball-esque form!
Ben doesn't get to do a lot of the fun stuff the older kids do, so I thought I'd help him get some hang time in! A bit of a blurry picture but who cares, with a smile like that? Wheee!!!


Adam and Emily said...

You family is so cute! All the fun you have!!!

Peterson Family said...

Yeah, I agree, you gotta let loose everyonce and a while!! :) Your kids are adorable... and I like your red walls and sofa (it's totally one of my favorite colors)!!

Zonnie said...

Hey! I jump on my bed like that! I like those kids on the Ballard blog! -Sascha
You are a great writer Mandy! I love to read all of your blogs! You are such a daily inspiration to me!