Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bingo with Dad

One weekend a while back, JC pulled out the kids' Bingo game and they had a great time. It's a really cute Leap Frog version of the game that has several different game boards and spinners you can use - - colors and shapes, animals, numbers and even addition. They had fun choosing what kind of game they wanted to play, taking turns spinning the spinner (though I don't think that lasted very long...Dad became the keeper of the spinner) and learning when to say "Bingo!" They had played before with Grandma Trudie so Bethany felt like an expert, explaining to us all "You don't say Bingo with just four, it has to be four in a ROW." Here are some cute pictures...

Getting all set up
Bethany poses for a picture while James is way into the competition...classic.
James, not understanding what to do with the tokens
There you go, James!
Dad, having lots of fun. :)

They are so lucky to have a daddy who loves to play with them! He is always willing to sit down with them and play a game that is on their level. The best part is...he enjoys himself! He truly likes being with the kids and interacting with, let's face it, getting to play games is a treat for him since he has a wife who is terrified of most board games! Haha, but that's beside the point...

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