Then we stepped outside.
Considering my last post, please remember that this was a few weeks ago.
Anyway, it was so beautiful and apparently so inspiring that we decided to cancel all later plans (though, considering my plans were to be sewing and my back was somewhat out still...I was probably canceling anyway...), be spontaneous, and BUILD A SANDBOX!
JC had been wanting to upgrade the kids' sandbox for a while, give them more room to play and less room to be in each others' way. (Whenever I use that phrase, in my mind I hear "each AHthers'" as in "We already know each AHthers' names"...anybody?...Katie...?)
So, we went at the project! (Um...more like he went at it but who's counting?)
Gotta start with an idea and an outline...JC starts in with the hard work...moved the swing set over and started marking off the area.
Everyone else went about their business...
A little bit into the day, after a couple of trips to some hardware stores, you can see how the project was coming along (and it was still beautiful outside).
Bethany stepped in as a helper. She is actually quite able at things like this!
(Who am I kidding, she is quite able at everything!)
Little sidenote - I had to go change his diaper after that and relinquished control of my camera for those few minutes.
James' take on the experience:
But, while we were doing that, thanks to the hard work of these two, the sandbox was coming along great. Doesn't it look amazing already?
Sweet James tried to help again and ended up with this:
Rake caught in tree.
I don't even know what else to say.
sidenote - Ben discovers that if he positions his arm so that the sunlight shines through the patio chair, his arm "looks like Spiderman."
Also awesome.
A few days after the fact, neighborhood friends Michael and Brendan came by and enjoyed it all just as much as our little ones. Neighborhood hot spot for sure. :)
Look at all those cute boys working in the sand with their trucks.
So cute.
(Though I have to point out that this sandbox is huge but...they all seem to be gathered right around the same spot. This seems to be the case most of the time. Good thing we made it HUGE, huh?)
So there is our new favorite thing around here.
The best sandbox a kid could ask for.
Didn't JC do a fantastic job?? Especially for a spontaneous Saturday project!
Hehe.. We already know each AHther's names! I vote we restart sunday night family movies and that will be the first one watched.
And Laura swoops in and takes the win...haha, record timing! Well done.
And seriously about the movies...ah...except you guys would have to wait until we left since we have the built in noise-makers and nobody would get to watch the movie haha...and then I would miss out...Oh well...I have my own copy of heavyweights at home. :)
That looks like fun! Then in the summer you can get a little pool and pull it up to it, and it will feel like you're at the beach. Right? =)
BTW - you're family picture is adorable!!
Wow! That JC is amazing! Your kids are very lucky. Maybe when little Wes gets a little bigger he will want to make a stop by the sandbox :) I also love that you both had plans but then you put them aside when you saw the nice outside weather. It became all about the kids. Again, your kids are very lucky (blessed) to have both of you.:)
that really is amazing. i think our kids' sandbox at the last house was 6x6ish? which is bigger than your little one, but they definitely started getting cramped. aren't husbands amazing?!
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