Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March Madness

Why can't I just let some cute pictures, funny faces, playtime poses, etc. go by the wayside?
I surely don't know.

But, alas, here are some of the in-between, no particular event to be linked to, type pictures from March. Ones I still felt compelled to make readily available for amusement's sake...I am beginning to realize that I probably won't get these blog posts turned into a keepsake book any time soon.
I am beginning to realize that about a lot of things lately. And finally make peace with it.
Those kinds of things will probably have to wait until the kids are in school all day. Just about three years from now.
Well, anyway, here is a loosely arranged manual slideshow of our month...

Whole Foods shopping trip.
So far...sort of worth it (especially when it's so big it's overwhelming...and we have a Trader Joe's practically in walking distance)
But, we did make our own custom trail mix, which has been very yummy.

Bethany, in strange lighting, with Dad's hat, Mom's glasses, and an attitude all her own.

Old Navy shopping trip. Right around St. Patty's Day, if you can't tell.
Ben likes to check himself out in the mirror. Like every other child (and adult) on the planet.

Remember how Ben moved into James' room and now it is The Boys' Room?
What shall become of his old room, you might ask?
You know how I always have a million things swimming around in my head, needing a place to be written down, folded up, filed away and tucked onto a shelf somewhere in a room I can access when I have a moment to examine my projects-a-mundo?
Meet my "office."
"Project Room."
"Whatever you want to call it, it will probably take me a couple years to get it organized, decorated, and actually functioning."
Here we are with the first couple of steps:
Get everything in there in a haphazard manner AND choose paint colors.

The kids participated in a little spring cleaning.
I love that they love to vacuum.
It used to be my least favorite chore. Now it's one of my favorites. Because I can sing really loud while I vacuum and nobody really knows.
Except now you do.

James got a new deer "action figure" (?) and I have a not-so-new love for dark chocolate chips.
One day, JC combined the two into a model of wildlife.
Hilarious, honey.

In case you were wondering, the ball pit is still alive and kicking.
Though, right after I typed that, I remembered that just yesterday we noticed that it had deflated irreparably and had to buy a new swimming pool. is soon to be alive and kicking again.

It rained a couple of times in March. And we got a lot of cloudy days.
It was beautiful.

I discovered that it drives James nuts if I toss things at him through the skylight in the playhouse. This is him investigating.

The kids continue to worship Michael, who lives two houses down, and Brendan, his friend who comes to visit a couple of times a week.
Here, they are chasing some sort of flying toy into Reggie's yard. (another neighbor they worship)

Eating popcorn on the stairs. I don't know why.

Watching Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny, or Little Einsteins on a lazy morning is a treat for us.

And for Scout.
Accidental naptime is a treat for Mom.
And, really, for everyone involved.

James should have come up with this game in time for the olympics!
It was night, while I was making dinner, we noticed James involved in some sort of event. After watching for a minute, it became clear that the object of the game was the bowl Ben's Elmo sandals through the kitty door to the pantry.

And it's in!

Proud participant.

Red Light, Green Light with Michael and his little sister, Shorey.
It sure is fun to have little neighborhood friends!

This was an especially entertaining evening...
JC was wrestling with the kids and Ben decided to approach the event superhero style. He kept coming over to me, "You put it in, mama?" and I would stuff his blanket into his pj top so he could fly over to JC, cape streaming behind him. JC would grab the cape away, Ben would take off, and JC would hurl it at him, usually knocking him down.
Then, "You put it in, mama?"
Fun times.

Bethany usually loses interest in wrestling matches before long.
If the camera is out (usually is), that becomes her new game.

JC and I spent a date night in dehydrating some delicious fruit. It was a good time.
We need to do this more often!

One Saturday, our much-loved neighbor, Reggie, wandered over with his dad, Brother Jones. (We like him too.) The kids got to feed him his treats and it was so much fun for them!
Though, a little confusing for Reggie. He's used to being fed by just one person at a time.

I got this United States puzzle a while back, planning on it being more for Bethany when she gets a bit older but JC and the boys tackled it on a Sunday morning.

March brought Rowdy back to visit us! We lost him to Utah a few months back and it was wonderful to spend some time with him and his mama, Heidi again!
Here is the moment of arrival...

and the greeting! Awww, we sure miss them!

The kids invented some game involving drumming on the couch in the mornings.
Don't ask.
But Bethany's smile is adorable, yes?

Remember back at Christmas, I got a pasta maker? And was so excited??
It took me until March to use it but once I did, I fell in love even more!
It was so fun. Here we are, all set to go!
Then, part way through the process...

...and as it dries...
Isn't it pretty?

On the same day as pasta day, Ben fell asleep in the car on the way home from church.
Even the transfer inside didn't wake him. Such a tired boy.
And so cute. Kind of looks like a mini missionary.

I actually have no idea.

On a rainy day, Ben peers out the music room window.
I love this window.
There is little I love better than playing the piano near a clear window on a rainy day.
This window is perfect.
Now...can't wait until I can play the piano someday. :)
Again, maybe once the kids are in school!
For now, it's still perfect for peering out.

A bit later, we all enjoyed the rain. Bethany rode her bike, as usual.

James tried setting up some sort of rain-catcher.

And Ben mostly enjoyed the puddles.

We did a little bit of warm-weather shopping this month, getting ready for the triple digits headed our way to stay! A little splurge - hats. This is the first time EVER that the kids have been willing to wear hats. They are that cool.
James and his Lightning McQueen.
He is so excited.

Pretty Bethany with a Princess Ariel hat. Some nice shade for her eyes!

Ben, of course, has a Buzz hat.
And he ALWAYS wears it like this.
No matter what, he turns it backwards. Doesn't do much for shade but it is SUPER adorable.
(Eating a pickle, by the way. Favorite food around here.)

As the days warmed up, we discovered that if you color with chalk on a driveway sprayed down with the hose, then rub your hands around in your artwork, you get this:

And if you have a daddy who is thoughtful and mindful of recent conversations in which you were asking what a tulip flower looks like, you will get this one day after work:

More drumming.
In hats.
(And, of course, just to prove me wrong, Ben has his hat turned around for this one.)

I discovered that Bethany has the same tendency toward our trees as I do.
Every once in a while I find her running over to check on them.

Peach? Good.

Pomegranate? Good.

And good they will stay, my dear. This is their time!
Springtime has been coming on wonderfully. One of the ways I plan to celebrate is to paint my toe nails sky blue. Because it feels fresh. And clean. For spring.
And will give me something to take a picture of.
Heaven knows I need that.

(Did you make it all the way to the end??? Wow, my warmest regards!)


katilda said...

I made it! I made it to the end!
I can’t decide what to comment on. So much.
But I really like Ben’s backward hat…and his missionary-sleeping picture.
And when James’ hand is sticking out the sunroof.
And Bethany’s gangstah look.

Word: Trate. When Ben gives a toy and gets one in return. "Trate?" (I just imagine he would say it like this)

Monica Christiansen said...

wow. bethany's "attitude" picture.... is that girl only FIVE? she seems too grown up.
HOWEVER, i shall also ask, is she ALREADY five??? strange.
these were particularly adorable pictures.
just for the record, i think these are my favorite blogs you do. just totally random, non flow-ish, record of LIFE.
but no worries, i also love long and thoughtful shpiels :) both favorites!

Ali said...

first of all, I just have to say that Katie cracks me up. :) I also made it to the end! Yay.
So many cute pics, I think my favorite is Bethany giving attitude while wearing the sunglasses and hat. :)

WHITE said...

Great post! I enjoyed all the pics,you have a very adorable family! And I couldn't be more excited and jealous of your new project room...I will now be living vicariously threw you!

Carrie said...

these posts are really hard to comment on. there's SO much to say... but what did i want to say again?
oh, i'm jealous of your dehydrating skills. FUN!
jc is such a boy... with everything... the wrestling, the nature picture. yeah.
yay for your hideout! i want one!
my kids love to vacuum too! yay!