Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daddy time

Last week, in what was a rather unexpected turn of events, JC was laid off from his job. Yep. No more work.
We've gone through all kinds of ranges of thoughts with this new development, and I won't bore you with all of them. :) But, I will tell you that we feel that, as always, we are being placed in the situations we are meant to be in and are being taken care of by a loving Heavenly Father. It will be exciting to see what new opportunities come forward in the near future. Though there are definitely challenges surrounding the situation we are in, we feel fully confident that our family will pull through and hopefully we can learn some lessons along the way!
On a lighter note, while JC has put an incredibly stellar effort into his job search and that takes some of his time, he has also been home more, giving all of us a little more time together.
Some of my favorite moments are when the kids get to rough house with daddy. It's so fun to watch how excited they are! There have been a lot of these moments lately...
Here's some of them...

He manages to tickle Ben with his hands and James with his feet.
Talent that comes in handy with two little boys!
So happy!
This is what we call a flip-de-doo.
At least, it's what I call a flip-de-doo.
James decided to turn the tables on Daddy for once and give his feet a tickle.
Which resulted in...this.
Occasionally, Bethany gets in on the wrestling. Though she usually doesn't last long due to the high intensity of the activity. :) But here is a fun moment:
Ben begs and begs to be tickled, then begs and begs for Daddy to stop!

James is always willing!
Such fun!
In addition to wrestling their cares away, the kids have enjoyed some story time. I caught this picture of them on some morning this week while I was working on breakfast. I love Ben's focused face, James' snuggling, and Bethany's tendency to be involved in the storytelling.

It's been a very different week, but all the extra time with Daddy has been lovely. He gives so much to us in so many ways!

1 comment:

Peterson Family said...

Very cute pictures!! We LOVE Daddy wrestling/tickling time too. :) Sorry to hear about JC's job. Stupid economy... I am sure that he will find something soon!! In the meantime, it looks like you are taking full advantage of enjoying JC being home with you!! :)