Sunday, January 25, 2009

What you can get for $3.99

You can get this (brand new) box of cereal. Perfect for breakfast, sacrament meeting, or a great appetizer while Mom makes dinner. 

James: Mom, can I have a snack?
Mom: No, it's almost dinnertime (as she's busy cooking)
James: But I so hungry. Can I have that? (points to cheerios)
Mom: Oh, okay. Just a little bit (lets him grab a handful and puts the box back on the countertop...turns her back and returns to the stovetop while he runs back out to the balcony where the kids are playing 
Soon, if you are the Mom in this story, you may hear a big "whoosh" and a delighted three-year-old squeeling out "Cheerios everywhere!!!"
You will quietly get the camera and realize you're not at all mad but very amused, though realizing you will have to reprimand to some degree...and keep the picture-taking very low-key since turning something they know they're not supposed to do into a photo op might send the wrong message.
You will get to witness pure glee as cheerios are tossed in the air and rained down on their noggins.

Then stomped.
Note the cracks in the floorboards in the above picture. This is our back patio which lies directly underneath the balcony. You will make a mental note to vacuum these up so as to not attract insects (and then you won't, but will instead find your middle child happily munching on them two days later while you play outside downstairs...but that's beside the point)
And although many will be lost, some will be eaten, all will be enjoyed...

And, really, if you ask me, none will be wasted.
Four dollars well spent.


Zonnie said...

It's moments like this that make you such a great & amazing mommy that any child would be lucky to have!

Carrie said...

this post makes me laugh. you're so good to not get mad...but they are so adorable out there in cheerio heaven how could you?