Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to the real world...

Me again.
I think my kids will forgive my lack of documenting for the past month seeing as I entirely have plans to play catch up, I have been doing so mostly to take care of them/keep their environment somewhat non-chaotic as we recover from a busy July and the entire 'Twilight' series in a couple weeks since I was a late-comer to the obsession (I scoff at how I turned up my nose before...) and just couldn't help but barrel through in every spare moment I had - - not many, but apparently just enough since I finished Eclipse two days before Breaking Dawn came out. Thanks to my sisters for having not finished their summer reading because I got first claim on their copy and devoured it as quickly as I was able. (I think I may be treated with a cold shoulder for a while now though...) For the first time in my life, sleep actually became the higher priority while otherwise completely engrossed in a book. Guess having kids will do it to you! But I did finish and it was of the most inspiring literary experiences I have ever had; wouldn't have thought, but thus it, here I am, back from the world of vampires and werewolves, to tend to my next task...catching up on my blog! And...I'm not going to do so quite yet! But since I find myself here and discovered this cute idea on some friends' blog, I thought I'd throw this out here...not really a tag so much, but fun...

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Nifty, eh? Well, I'm out. I can't remember much from the last two days except reading, cooking, taking care of my kids and randomly blurting out exciting and exasperating plot tidbits to my surprised and nervous husband...I think I scared him into caring about this series...but anyway, the least I owe to anyone around here is to shower and try to finally get some restful sleep that isn't plagued with dreams of mythical creatures.

I look forward to your comments! Also, feel free to leave memories about JC and/or the kids as well...I'm the mouthpiece only because I talk the most out of everyone. :) By a lot. In fact, be thankful I really need that shower because otherwise I'd still be going on about the book.


Jamie Taylor said...

Memories? Well, what have we done that ISN'T memorable? I'm thinking of our little fat book in high school. The cool little sideways way we would write each other notes that no one else could read. :) Evil Twins rule the world! Working at the library together--apparently, before we really "knew" each other. EFY roomies! (I have pictures of you jumping on the bed and making the weirdest faces.) Ummmm... hanging out when we were married and had little teeny kids (okay, the one... I haven't quite hit three yet...) Apparently being in the hospital at the same time, too, with those kids. (How weird was that?) Man is that enough? I think all those little tags should count as millions of memories, because the details should be somewhere in your brain and hopefully you re-lived each one as I spouted off the little snippets of memory therein. :) Enjoy!

Oh! And I can't believe Breaking Dawn is already out. Apparently I'm not as obsessed as some people, but I just don't have the money to buy it, so I guess I wait 'till it come to the library? I read the other three in a matter of like 2 weeks, when I first had Dallen. What else do you do when you're stuck on a couch breastfeeding for 30 minutes at a time? So, yeah. They were good, but I'm not going out and buying a "Team Edward" t-shirt, if you know what I mean. :) I'm glad you enjoyed them, though!

Peterson Family said...

Wow... okay I am pulling the file out here... it's been a while. :) I remember walking home from church one Sunday on Elliot, with Ryan Lamb and maybe Brittany Mallory and we walked through the dirt field across to go into the Islands. I've driven by that a couple times and have tried to recall what it USED to look like?! I also remember coming over to your house a couple times and visiting/talking with you after I moved out of the ward. You always wear a smile and have something funny to say!!

I am glad that you agree with me about Jacob! ;) hehe...

Katie and Howard said...

Just last night I started reading Twilight. I read 100 pages before turning out the light. I'm hooked. :)
Memories about Mandy...there are a few I remember, dressing up as Josie and the Pussycats for Halloween; sending (LOTS of)random questions back and forth through email to each other during work hours; and feeling like we both belonged in our little group because both of use were the outsiders! haha.

Unknown said...

I cannot honestly claim that I recall the mutual activity two-step. But one of my earliest memories with you is Kyle Cook's house and movies... and possibly a band... blue light special, does that sound right? My 7th-10th grade years unfortunately are all very much a blur. I was extremely insecure and awkward back in those days. But look at me now! I'm completely changed. I'm one more horrible cab ride away from loosing my mind and committing murder! You can't buy confidence like that.

But there was a barbecue that we attended after a years-long hiatus of non-communication. That remains a great memory. I guess it stands as proof to myself that I really have grown up despite what my wife and friends and family and work associates and people on the bus say.

Becky said...

Mandy... memories of you... well I just have that one CRAZY summer as roommates and there were so VERY crazy times in that. I think mostly I remember laughing and having fun, despite school (physical science is poo)boys, and dishes. Probably the best memories and lessons from my single college years come from that summer. My memory right now is when Noel, Melissa, and I tried to scare you by tapping on your window and got caught by BYU police and you had to come and try to identify us... oh what a silly phone call... "by the northwest exterior stairs!" Love You!

katielizabethawkes said...

Although the list is abundant...i have settled on one story....
So, back in the day, you and i shared a bathroom. The special kind of bathroom that had a door at either to each of our rooms. So besides the time i walked in on you in your purple underwears and you leaped over and slammed the door on me, there was this one time that i was in the bathroom doing my hair (or whatever you can call my creations back in the day). Anyways, there i was, in front of the mirror...perched on the edge of a laundry hamper....when i slipped back, folded in half, and found myself stuck in the laundry hamper with my head and feet and elbows all sticking out the top. So what did i do? Rocked back and forth in order to waddle myself over to your door to knock (tap? kick?) for help. Definitely fell over in the definitely heard the thunk...and promptly helped YANK my body out of the hamper. Oh funny, funny day...

Zonnie said...

Fun! ok...Picture you in beauty school needing someone to do a perm on..get where I am going? One long day that had TONS of rolling, followed by probably 100 pounds of curlers on top of my head, finished off with as many people as could fit around me helping you unravel your masterpiece of a perm. Wow...that probably seemed twice as long for you than it did for me. It made my hair so easy to take care of and do before work every morning...and while not really the style trend, it is a tempting route for me to go again, but honestly I don't know anyone I would trust to do that to my hair again & last time I checked you are "other wise employed". Thanks again for your hard work!!

Lindsay Jones said...

so this is really late but I just wanted to comment on some memories, oh how much fun I had when you came down to the search desk, lots of fun memories to be had there and I will never in my life forget the what the heck duck, I think we did more laughing than working! I am so glad I met you! I will always treasure our friendship, and it is so lovely to be back in contact with you! Its meant to be!