Sunday, July 20, 2008


Yes, I know. I just want everyone out there to know that I am aware of the lack of updated material on our blog.
At one point, I would have thrown some sort of fit about how busy I am and how hard it is to take care of three babies and keep myself sane and somewhat rested, not to mention attempting to keep my house clean and/or fulfil church callings, etc. etc. etc.
However, at THIS point, I'm kind of over making excuses in my head because...let's be honest...nobody cares. :) Haha, really, truth is I can't wait to dish about all the fun and crazy stuff we've been up to including, but not limited to, flying on an airplane to take our first family vacation in Texas, going to a family reunion in the mountains and getting WAY behind on laundry! :) I have approximately five suitcases that have sat in my entryway for approximately five days while I managed to pack for and go on yet another excursion only to return today and begin to start thinking about maybe unpacking this week and definitely packing for our next adventure that starts Thursday. Whew!
So, needless to say (I think all of this was probably needless to say but darn it, it's my blog), there is lots of posting to do...sometime in August. :)
In the meantime, love to all.
Also, I'm not as good at Dance Dance Revolution as I would have hoped.
Just thought everyone should know.


Adam and Emily said...

Absolutely!!! I am really excited for our date night. Since I never really go on dates with my husband, this will be a nice change. But I wanted to see if you remembered when we were but prepubesent teens ourselves and I remember you saying and I quote "Do you know what my favorite accent is? An English/New York accent!" Don't know why I was just thinking of that. Anyway, it made me laugh. Except I was trying to explain it to Adam, and it's one of those "you had to be there" moments. Anyway, let me know!

The Ballard Family said...

I can't believe you just put that out there for all to see. Unacceptable. It shall come back to you tenfold.

Lindsey and Brett said...

With all that you have going on, I'm surprised you even got that blog out there. Kudos to you. Sounds like you have been plenty busy, and Brett and I appreciate all of your comments on our blog. And I know what you mean about a comment turning into somewhat of an email. I have the same problem sometimes. I also have the problem of leaving a super long voice mail. Oh well. What can you do? And don't give up on the dance dance revolution thing. I'm sure it'll come with time. :)

Jennifer Salmon said...

Mandy! I haven't talked to you in forever! I saw you had a blog and had to look to see how your life is going! you have such a beautiful family, and I hope all is going well. I will always love you girl!