Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hooray!!! The best of all birthday posts because this one belongs to my love! I thought that, for his 27th birthday, coming up on the 13th, I would list 27 wonderful things about him . . .

1. He is always supportive of me in everything from hair appointments and church callings to mothering, dream-chasing and dumb reality-tv competitions I get hooked on.
2. He is a guys' guy . . . loves to hunt, play video games, grill, fix things and treat me like a lady. :)
3. He has the kindest heart I have ever known.
4. He has a special talent for loading the dishwasher. Seriously, down to an artform.
5. He has been my best friend for of the most inspirational relationships I ever had...and I got to marry him!
6. He is a SPECTACULAR dad.
7. He has an honest and sincere spirit about him.
8. He is all ways. He has stood up to trials, change, and immense personal responsibility without once complaining.
9. He is so good with people. He can be friends with anyone.
10. He likes to compliment me. :)
11. He is secretly artistic. He sketched a lot on his mission and I can't wait until he decides to do more of that someday.
12. He belongs on a pedestool but prefers to sit back and let those around him shine.
13. He always tries to make me laugh when I am stressed.
14. He's not a talker usually, not one to analyze or go too deep into a conversation but when he does, it's like seeing into his soul. And it's one of the most beautiful, mature and sweet souls ever to exist.
15. He cleaned the playroom today. :)
16. He never ever makes pretenses...what you see is what you get...there isn't a prideful bone in his body.
17. He is forgiving.
18. He thinks about the future and what he wants for our family without letting it overwhelm him or take him out of the present. (I'm still trying to learn that from him!)
19. He is extremely innovative. Definitely has a creative mind.
20. He likes to spoil me.
21. He knows so much about so many things. I am always blown away by his general knowledge and his incredible ability to combine that knowledge with common sense. He's just a smart guy.
22. He is a very impressive teacher. I watch him teach our kids, or our primary class at church and am always taken back by how natural he is at helping others learn.
23. He respects me in all ways.
24. He has a desire to serve and help others.
25. He is a SUPERB magician!
26. He gives the best massages. I have had my share of therapists work on me and, though you may think I'm just being biased I am NOT, he really is very uniquely talented.
27. Every time my heart has ever been broken, it was him that saved me.
I think it's also a testament to him that I can't write about him without my cheeks getting raw from the tears that keep coming! JC is just the best friend I have ever had and the sweetest husband I could ask for. The years that we have known each other have taken us both through so much and one thing that has never changed has been the severe pull between our hearts that sometimes felt like all we had. And then, at other times, there has been nothing but joy and we have basked in that together. Regardless of the events we have passed through, my simple existence has always been blessed by him . . . every day since I met him has been full of the knowledge of his caring for me. Even in moments when neither of us quite knew what that really meant, it was there. We have played many roles in each others' lives and he has always fulfilled his in exactly the way I needed him to. I can only pray that I have done and can continue to do the same for him. He truly is a gift to me. There can never be a day that I doubt God's love for me because His love shines through in the greatest gift anyone has ever been given . . . my friend, my love, my partner, my husband, my joy...JC.
Happy birthday, hon.


Pam Price said...

What a nice post about JC :) Happy Birthday, JC!

Adam and Emily said...

Happy b-day JC!! But I wanted to say... did you know that she is re-writing the 1st book through Edwards point of view. She has a rough draft of the 1st chapter on her website. I read it at work the other day... much more interesting than working, and it is so good!!

Zonnie said...

Wow! Someday I hope our relationship is filled with as much passion, devotion and courage as the two of you. You have once again climbed to the gold medal spot on my "Hero Podium" (yes I have olympic fever!) You are a amzing and I love you! I enjoy getting to know you better.

Katie and Howard said...

Awww, how sweet! Happy Birthday JC!!