Monday, January 31, 2011

My Sister's Yesterday, My Tomorrow.

Now that is a hopeful post title if I ever saw one.
But that is how my sister made me feel. Inspired. Hopeful. My sisters usually make me feel this way. Actually, my whole family does. I'm pretty lucky.

Back at the end of January, my sister, Katie, fulfilled a huge goal of hers and did what she had been training for months to do - - ran a half marathon. The whole time she was training for it, I was so impressed and excited for her! She did a lot of running and a lot of prioritizing to make it happen.
One more instance in which I was taught that there are so many good things to fit into a day. Sometimes the prioritizing can just about kill you BUT if something is truly truly a good thing and really what you want to do, you do just that. You do it. You just GET IT DONE!
Hahahaha Rat Race.

Katie posted about this on her blog
but I wanted to do so as well because she inspires me. And I have always wanted to be a runner. I feel like acknowledging her victory in my own space will further move me toward that goal. I started training years ago for a marathon but baby life life...and here I sit. BUT it will still happen someday. And now I have someone to look to as an example.

Here she is in all her race-day glory!

High-fiving Ben afterwards as she snacks on an apple.
("Uh epple")

Chatting with Bethany about running or ponies or something.

This is she and her roommate, Meghan, coming in for the finish!

This is me and my dad waiting anxiously for her to come into sight!
And Laura...fully aware that it takes no more than two people to wait anxiously and yell for everyone when she does come into sight.

Two of the chillens watching for their champion aunt.

The kids couldn't quite wrap their heads around the occasion we were there to witness. Running? They do that every day. I tried to help them understand this best I could.
Aunt Katie ran for longer than Toy Story 3.
Aunt Katie ran farther than to preschool and back.

Someday I will be able to tell them how long and far Mommy is going to run. For now we'll stick to around the backyard and sometimes the cul-de-sac. (Hard word to type)
For now.

Good job, Katie!!!

1 comment:

katilda said...

i'm a celebrityyyy! and yeah, we were totally talking about ponies.

Gatcap: the medical term for a kitty bipolarism.