Thursday, March 27, 2008

A to Z Tag!

All right, I had a really productive morning and I am rewarding myself with some "nothing" time this afternoon. I usually only blog on Sunday evenings but I feel behind anyway so this is my way of getting something done while not really doing anything! Anyway, my cousin tagged me with this one and it is fun. Let's see if I can speed my way through it while Jame and Ben are napping and Bethany is occupied! Did I spell that right? It looks all foreign to me...oh well...the days of honors english are long gone...

A- Attached or single: Very happily attached!
B- Best friend: JC and my mom
C- Cake or Pie: oooh, tough. Depends what we're talking about here. But probably mostly cake.
D- Day of Choice: JC and I were just talking about this and I think it's Thursday! Strange pick, isn't it?
E- Essential Item: triple stroller! Without it, I would NEVER be able to leave the house!
F- Favorite Color(s): I go through moods and lately I have been loving green. But, my most consistent favorite is RED.
G- Gummie Worms or Bears: I would have to say worm. They have 2 colors on one worm!! - I copied Emily's answer for that because it is simple yet brilliant!
H- Hometown: FT. Worth, TX. But, Gilbert holds my heart!
I-Indulgence(s): Oh dear, I am going to try not to list something edible for fear of shaming myself with a sadly long list...I will say shoes. Like Emily said (I think we are quite the same), it's the only thing you don't have to lose weight to wear! (again, simple and brilliant!)
J- January or July: oh please, neither! But, I would take January over July!
K- Kids: Bethany, James and Ben! Gotta tell ya, the best kids in the universe!
L- Life is incomplete without: my love
M- Marriage Date (if applicable): Dec. 17th, 2005
N- Number of siblings: 3 younger sisters, 1 younger brother
O- Oranges or Apples: Plums? Okay, that wasn't the question. Hmmm...probably apples.
P- Phobias or Fears: Where do I start? Probably the most prevalant ones are sea creatures (with an emphasis on anything bigger than me) and harm coming to my family
Q- Quote: Oh, I have lots of these that I like so I will go with the one I read today that struck me. "When you find out who you are, you will wish you had tried harder." Very inspiring.
R- Reason to smile: all the love in my life and how blessed I have been...oh, and the drawer in my desk full of sharpies of varying size and color. JC spoils me with them because I love them! It's my simple pleasure.
S- Season: Fall. I love love love everything about it! Then, this time of year too with the orange blossom smell and warm days/cool nights.
T- Tag Three: KT, Katie and Somer
V-Vegetarian or Oppressor of animal: neither?
W- Worst habit: retail therapy. :)
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: Oh, I always loved getting the ultrasound during my pregnancies!
Y- Your favorite food: I really like Hawaiian food.
Z- Zebra or Elephant: I am picking Elephant because baby elephants are hilariously awkward!

Well, great timing! Ben just woke up and it's time to get James up so he will sleep tonight! Sometimes I just love these simple blessings like being granted just enough time to do a silly post on my silly blog. : ) Someone's looking out for my sanity!

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