Sunday, March 16, 2008

Three years of the tree...

I mentioned in the previous entry that we take pictures at the "hole in the tree" every year when we go to the zoo. I thought I would share all we have thus far. It is amazing to see how much everyone has grown! Unfortunately, not excluding myself! Haha, here's a little look at what having three kids in two and a half years will do to ya! But, now that things are starting to be a little (mind you, a little) less hectic, and the workouts start finding their way into the daily routine again...hopefully by next year I will be the only one to have shrunk. Such is enough about me...take a look at my sweet babies. :)

Bethany's first trip to the zoo! (7 months old)Bethany's second trip to the zoo! (19 months old)
Bethany's fourth trip to the zoo! (We didn't document the third one since it was a special trip with Grandma and her sisters who were visiting...a very pregnant mom was home resting.) (Oh yeah - almost 3 in this picture!) It's such a big transformation from last year to now, with her! She is growing up SO fast!

Now James' turn!!
James' first trip to the zoo! (6 months old) His head is HUGE! I always loved what a big baby he was...seeing his pictures compared with the other kids' is hilarious!

Sweet James' second trip to the zoo! (22 months old) He is also so much more grown up in just a year and a half!


Baby Ben's first trip to the zoo! (6 months old - to the day!!) Such a happy little guy!

Now for the mom-and-baby shots...
Here's little Baby Bethany and Mommy.

Then, a bigger Bethany and Baby James (He was SO BIG!) and Mommy.

And finally, this year...Big girl Bethany, Big brother James, Benny Boy and Mommy!

I can't believe that James and Ben are the same age in the two pictures! Anyway, there is our fun little evolution over the last few years. It's not much of a post tonight but, I gotta say, I'm tired! So, that will be it for now. More to come soon!


Cheryl Cobb said...

I'm so glad you are doing this blog. It makes me want to do one, but it probably won't be anytime soon. haha

I absolutely LOVE your hair in this last picture. You are gorgeous!

Love ya lots!

Adam and Emily said...

That's very creative! Your babies are so cute! Like I said....Totally Heidi!!

Jamie Taylor said...

I love doing this kind of stuff where we compare. I love how James and Ben are the same age in those last two pics! Isn't it crazy!?!?! Your kids are so dang cute. And you have just gotten cuter! I'm loving the blonde in your hair and the new do! You are wonderful! We need to get together sometime so our kids can play!