Sunday, April 27, 2008

Flowers for our Front Yard!!!

I feel like we're moving up in the world! We planted some flowers! I have always wanted to do this as a family but it always seemed too big an undertaking. Yet, as I felt myself actually beginning to relax and breathe a little bit this spring, I was time. Hooray! So, one day we got up, headed out and found ourselves at a nearby garden center. Bethany and James each got to choose some flowers to plant (I knew this could end up less than attractive but I really thought that what mattered is that they were involved, interested and happy with the result!) and we ended up with orange and yellow marigolds. Turns out they have a knack for complimentary colors! Now, to be completely honest, I have never planted flowers before that I can remember but I do feel I'm a bit of a gardening/tree hugging/just-like-to-play-in-the-mud kind of girl at heart so I want this to be something we do as a family starting early on! So, following are some snapshots of our adventures on a spring day...

Here's James getting all ready, complete with a gardening hat and a yellow watering can to match his flowers!

And here are our new flower friends, excited to be a part of our home...or something like gotta tell the kids something to get them excited...

Bethany and I digging right in...

They were so excited to give the flowers a new home.

James mostly just liked to hold his shovel...if you notice, he changed his hat. I think JC bribed him...

The finished project! I'm not sure I chose the best layout but I do know it was the easiest! Haha, we'll see if we can get a bit more creative next year!

Though they don't always "get" everything on the same level us grownups might, it is really fun to see them excited about projects and learning more about how the world around them works. I hope that our little experience this year, mostly revolving around learning about where flowers live, what they eat for food, how to not squish them when handling them and how they grow, etc. will plant some seeds (Ha! I was accidentally funny again...someday I will learn to do it on purpose...) of love and appreciation for our earth and all the wonderful gifts it gives to us! So...happy late Earth Day everyone!

P.S. please don't ask me if the flowers are still alive...that is completely beside the point...


Adam and Emily said...

Well thanks for letting me know Squishy is running on his wheel in your mansion in heaven. Good to know. Did you also know that hamsters can run up to 8 miles a night on one of those things? Crazy huh? MAN!! I can't wait till I get a house. I love gardening. I can't keep a plant alive in a pot to save my life, but give me a plot of land!! Yeah! Looks like you had a lot of fun. And I liked James' 1st hat! =)

katielizabethawkes said...

i consider you very ambitious for planting flowers in that heat. I think it's a family entire life dad has been planting flowers, and my entire life they have just kept dying. Kudos to us for continuing to try!
I am also a play-in-the-mud girl at heart. Sometimes i forget to be a lady and i take my shoes off to squish in the puddles and mud. At least you wore a skirt while you gardened...that's my usual facade as well. The world will never know.

Peterson Family said...

Faaa-loooww-aaa's!! Sorry, we've seen the Bee Movie one too many times! :) They look lovely and I think for a gardener 'at heart' you did a wonderful job!! You house is pretty from your pictures too... are you in AZ? I love to see brick on houses here, just beautiful. :)

Laura! said...

I feel like Bethany gardening in that hat would be a post card or sometihng. I discovered recently that I too love planting flowers (I guess its in the family or something). Who would have ever thought that planting flowers at someone else's house would prove more enjoyable than going to the movies (as originally planned)? Also, Mandy, I thnk after all these years, Dad's humor may be rubbing off on you :O