Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am . . . JC.

I am . . . me.

I think . . . therefore I am.

I know . . . how to play an Egyptian Drum.

I want . . . I want, I want, I want, me, me, me, me, mine, mine, mine, mine, now, now, now!

I have . . . a dirty thumb.

I wish . . . I could get drawn for Elk.

I hate . . . vinegar.

I miss . . . my Charger.

I fear . . . no one!

I feel . . . heartbroken for neglected children.

I love . . . my wife and kids. (You too, Scout.)

I hear . . . screaming, laughing, playing...Mandy talking...

I smell . . . pizza bites.

I search . . . for nothing. Lola does it for me. (We named our GPS.)

I wonder . . . if the pearly gates are really made of pearl.

I regret . . . nothing. It's a waste of time. You gotta put your behind in your past.

I care . . . nothing for what others think of me. (Unless it's good!)

I always . . . cough.

I am not . . . a serious person. Unless I need to be.

I believe . . . everything happens for a reason.

I dance . . . at my wedding. ONLY at my wedding.

I sing . . . when I drive to work.

I don't always . . . brush my teeth. I'm not afraid to admit it.

I write . . . in capital letters.

I win . . . whenever I play "Friends Scene-It."

I lose . . . sight of the big picture sometimes.

I never . . . cease to amaze myself.

I listen . . . to the song "Simple Man" by Shinedown an awful lot.

I can usually be found . . . if you look hard enough.

I read . . . at work, during my lunch break. (currently, the first book in the "Bourne" Series.)

I am happy about . . . where I'm at.


Exquisite Effects said...

Alright JC you are on! You, Me, and FRIENDS Scene It!!!

Zonnie said...

There is a Friends Scene it?? Blair and I could have some close competition together with that one! I love the Lion King reference and think Lola will be very good to you now that she was mentioned in a blog post therefore officially making her one of the family. wink wink. Good to get to know you more JC! :)

Katie and Howard said...

We might need to get together to play Friends Scene It!!

Hawkes said...

MY friend Brittney could KILL you at Friends Scene it. Seriously. Oh..and we own the game...we should play some time.

Katie said...

I seem to remember you dancing up a storm at Winter Formal. hahaha...