Monday, October 20, 2008

Afterthought . . .

I can't believe I forgot to mention two of the best parts about last week - -

JC and I, thanks to the help and support of both of our moms, had a nice overnight stay at The Hilton here in town, just to have a peaceful night's rest and some grownup time! I tried to surprise him with it, but surprises never end up happening with, he knew about it, but it was fun all the same! We ordered movies, took a snooze, ate at Red Lobster, Mimi's Cafe and Cheesecake Factory (this was over the course of two days, mind you), woke up whenever we wanted to Saturday morning and leisurely strolled around the mall. (where I bought some sweet mary jane crocs to use as "house shoes") It was a very nice time. Another one of those "remind us that we're adults and that we like to be together" times. The days too often turn into survival mode and we don't get too just enjoy each others' company as much as we'd like...I know that goes with this time of life but it it always nice to have a break from it! Thanks Grandma Trudie and Grandma Teri. The kids had a lot of fun. And so did we.

THEN, we also had a family member acheive celebrity status for Saturday night! My brother, Andrew, won a competition for which the prize was playing with Weezer onstage at their concert here at the Arizona State Fair! Can't get much better than that! There will probably be more about it on their blog but I felt it worth mentioning. Especially since he got selected for a solo. Woohoo!! I am so proud of him. He is so talented and definitely deserves something cool (understatement) like this. We weren't able to be there, due to parental duties but Bonnie got good video of Andrew's solo and there are pics online here, with a wonderful close-up of the famous Hawkes. You can also watch his entry video on youtube. Just search "I want to be a weezer hawkes."
Good stuff.


Lindsey and Brett said...

This is a new blog I'm thinking of turning into a habit. Let me know what you think.

Also, love your posts. They are a nice substitute for studying :)


Pam Price said...

Mandy, how fun that you guys got to get a few nights away! You deserve it :)

And can I just say me and Ryan wanted to go to Weezer SOOO bad, but I had just had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled and my face was blown up like a balloon. I would have DIED if I would have seen Andrew playing his cello. How awesome!!! Good for him.

Love you.

Adam and Emily said...

Well I updated my blog just for you. Well... and the fact that what else is there to do at 5 in the morning when you can't sleep? I am very very glad to hear that your family is finally on the mend. You might just have to put all your kids in bubbles! You can be the bubble family! You and JC will obviously need to wear one too. You guys get too sick as well. So we need to get together soon. So I finally broke down and bought a Twilight shirt. And I'm totally going to be a nerd and wear it to the midnight showing... Which you should totally come to! Oh well... But we definately have do something sometime!