Wednesday, October 27, 2010


One evening as I spent some time blogging (something I have been doing a lot of lately, yes?), JC was in the shower and the kids were having a hard time settling down in their beds.
Some nights go great; Other nights feel like a never-ending barrage of playing and/or fighting noises coming up the stairs.
On this particular night, the boys were being restless and noisy. I ran to the bathroom and figured that when I came out, I would go attempt to establish peace. When I returned to the office, however, the monitor showed no sign of noisy boys and I decided they must have worn themselves out.
I got back to my business of blogging.

Then I started hearing noises behind me. I figured Scout must be rummaging around in the office.


Guess again.

I guess that, at bedtime, noisy boys have the ability to become quiet, sneaky boys when hiding in the office cabinet will get you a few more minutes of awake playtime.

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