Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let's give this a try...

It has been TOO long and I have been TOO anxious to get on here and actually get something done to the effect of documenting the last month...and in addition, feel a little more connected to the outside world in general...
But, it seems as life happens, everything from sicknesses (yes, more of that) and computer issues (it took me three weeks to finally get that simple picture of my new hair to finally post) to housekeeping and pure apathy has played its part in keeping me away. Tonight, as I am sitting down, hoping to do some updating and reflecting, I am trying to clear my mind enough to begin sorting through pictures and recalling thought processes...can't seem to quiet the mind, I though I should just get it all out...
A sampling of my jumbled thoughts...
Just for all of you...
(My husband, sitting in the other room with a snack and a TV remote in hand, is, without even knowing it, reaping the benefits of this whole blogging thing)

...How sick is Bethany going to get this time around? Her sniffles seem to be escalating to something more...

...Should I clean my house as much as possible or do grocery shopping tomorrow morning when Grandma comes to play with the kids?....

...I think the actor that was James should have been Edward. It would have increased my enjoyment of the movie greatly...

...Probably clean my house. Grocery shop some evening. Or order from But sometimes the produce is iffy. Can't risk iffy produce...

...Why am I so tired? I really shouldn't be this tired. Oh I getting sick? I cannot get sick...

...Do people go to their highschool reunions?...


...What's the deal with learning to have hope? It's clearly important but what's the trick to learning to abandon logic at times and just rely on hope? When is it naivete and when is it hope? How do we protect ourselves when relying on hope?...

..." . . . no good deed goes act of charity goes unresented . . ."...

...My kids are so cute and sweet...

...It's so nice outside...

...How long can I resist buying several sets of those pajama/sweat sets at Walmart that are super cute and fantastically priced? They would be perfect for working out and being around the house (two things I do every day) and would be possibly the best part of my wardrobe were I to purchase them...can I resist? Should I resist when the only reason I am doing so is that they have "America's Next Top Model" printed all over them?...

...Is my computer going to let me upload pictures tonight or am I going to get further behind???...

Well, I guess I should find out.

More to come...hopefully...


Linds said...

So I realized recently that you have NOT neglected your blogging for the last 2 months, it is in fact ME that has been neglected. For I am not an approved reader of said blog and therefore do not get updates in my blog roll. Anything we can do to fix that???

BTW... this is Matt and not Lindsey in case you didn't realize that already.

3 PS's's- 1: thank you for helping me realize that even the typed words from Wicked can give me goosebumps. 2: I think only people who are or can still get into the mindset of HS go to HS reunions. and 3: David Cook is vocal lust, and I don't know how to explain it any other way.

Peterson Family said...

I am SOOOO sorry to hear that you guys have STILL been sick! You deserve a break!! :) We need to get together again soon, it was fun hanging out and catching up.

katielizabethawkes said...

it has never even crossed my mind to attend a high school reunion, unless they send me a sequined invitation with promises of a glorious feast....

....hence, never going.