Monday, April 28, 2008

Super Cute Tag...

My friend, Katie, did this on her blog and I thought it was so creative! I decided to make it my "fun and pointless" thing that I attempt to make myself do every once in a while. I like doing something like this that allows me to turn off my brain, emotions, etc. and just be silly! Don't we all? So, anyone else who finds it amusing enough and needs a silly sane-maker moment, consider yourself tagged!
With this one the deal was to do a google image search with your answer to the question and use a picture off the first page of results.

1. Age at next birthday:
(I have no idea what this is a picture of...but the artsy side of me approved...)

1. A place I'd like to visit:
Prince Edward Island
This is actually a picture of Green Gables! My heart does a little sigh...

3. A favorite place
A bookstore!

4. One of my favorite things to do:
dance, dance, dance!

5. A favorite food:
I have been converted to broccoli by my husband, who loves it! I never was partial to it and I'm still working toward loving it raw, but I could eat a whole plate of steamed broccoli...mmmm...

6. My favorite flower:

7. My favorite color:

The city I live in:

8. The name of a past pet:
Oh, how I loved my cat! There was, of course, Lucy too but that search didn't return such wonderful results as a goat wearing lipstick.

9. A nickname I've had:
Well, my husband calls me that anyway. :) And I like it. By the way, I don't recommend doing an image search titled "babe." I was naive enough to think there would be maybe some baseball pictures and perhaps one or two pictures of a pig...

10. My college major:
I didn't do a great job at picking something and sticking with it...the closest I came was most of beauty school!

11. My first job:
a receptionist

12. My hope for 2008:
All right, I'm not crazy enough to expect any large amounts of calm in a world run by toddlers and an infant! (Notice even in the picture, there is a baby smiley face sitting on the mommy smiley face's lap!) But, if their doings and playings and lovings and demandings are the most hectic thing I've got going on for a while, I will call that a miracle of calm! I'm not looking for an easy ride, maybe just a quieter one for a while as the dust begins to settle for our family. It is so fun and rewarding to feel that happening...I feel like I talk about this a lot but in this busy mind of mine, it makes all the difference to breathe a little easier and be able to enjoy the small things again as my eyes uncross a little from a few hectic, yet very blessed, years! : )


Somer said...

totally cute blog.

Pam Price said...

I can't believe you are almost 27!!! That freaked me out when I read it...first, because my little Mandy is all grown up! And mostly because that means I'm even older!! :) Love you.