Friday, January 4, 2008

The Ballard Bunch Begins to Blog!

Well, really, I suppose it's more like 'The Ballard Mom Begins to Blog' but who's counting? I seem to always be a little behind in all these newfangled ideas such as blogging and ipods and blueray disks...but, as my the spinning in my head slows down a little, having been thrown into orbit with all the crazy crazy events of our last few years, I am seeing more and more of my friends and family delve into this website world! I am still not sure exactly how an ipod works or what the difference is between a regular dvd and a blueray-type one, but I do know that all the blog sites I have seen of my friends' are adorable and fun. And, if there's anything our little growing family is for sure, it's adorable and fun, so . . . here we are! I find myself laughing at the idea of actually finding the time to keep up on this but hopefully the joy that comes from being able to keep a little better in contact with loved ones (and show off sweet babies) will be decisively motivating! Who needs clean clothes or dishes anyway...


Jamie Taylor said...

I am amazed at how big your kids are now! It's been too long, and we need to get together! I'm here now, so call me. Also, Ben looks so much like JC that I almost fell over when I saw that picture. Wow! What beautiful kids you have!

Aaron and Shantelle McBride said...

Wow! Great job on the blog!! If you haven't noticed, mine hasn't been updated in months... *sigh*... One of these days I will get to it.

Great looking family!! :)

katielizabethawkes said...

You are the website master.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the "Ballard Bunch" idea and the way you have the pictures displayed! I'll create a link from the Ballard website to yours. Good Job!!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

Hey I'm so happy you started a Blog! I love to check all my friends sites since we are so far away. I hope u dont mind I put a link to your blog on mine so I can find it faster. You guys look so good we miss you so much.

Katie said...

I am glad to see that you have jumped on the bandwagon. I love to check out others blogs...

Christina said...

ok so I went to school with JC and recognized the name on my friend's friend's blog... haha if that makes sense. Just wanted to say hi and you two have a beautiful family!

Adam and Emily said...

Thanks!! It's good to hear from you! We still need to go to lunch or something sometime! Someday I'll have kids or dogs or something to show off on this thing! =)